Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build moded unlimitted apk - Download latest version

Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build moded unlimitted apk - Download latest version

Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build.apk
Name: Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build apk
ID: com.gaskindesignstudios.nephilimkingdomofmight
Size: 0 Mb
Android Version: 5.0 and up

Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build Screenshots

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What's new in Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build

This is the Nephilim: Kingdom of Might Alpha Build 1.00.00. Usually Alpha builds are not released to the public for testing because of various reasons Like: the developer could scrap the whole idea, the graphics aren't up to standards yet, etc. We at Gaskin Design Studios want to take a different approach to game development. We are releasing the Alpha and getting it into the public's hand early so we can switch or change anything that isn't User friendly early before its too late in development to do so.

This is the Deathtrap rush mini-game for Nephilim: Kingdom of Might. This will be used to traverse certain areas in order to process with the rest of the game. We made it into an infinite run for now so that you the users can get used to the controls and have a little fun.

Your feedback is what will make the official release great!! so please send feedback, constructive feedback.

Thank you for the download, update to this will becoming soon, and please support the official release.
Nephilim:K.O.M Alpha Build | -1 Reviewers | | Rating: 0

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