ID: com.jeruklemondev.wafiqazizahlengkap
Version: 1.0
Size: 0 Mb
Android Version: 2.3.3 and up
Sholawat Wafiq Azizah Screen Preview
What's new in Sholawat Wafiq Azizah 1.0
For Islamic Religious music lovers certainly familiar with Wafiq Azizah. Yes, Wafiq Azizah is one of the singer of religious songs Islami is very popular both in Indonesia and abroad. His voice is distinctive and melodious make anyone listen to linger listening to the songs Wafiq Azizah. That's why we want to share songs Wafiq Azizah Sholawat very full, not half-hearted in this application we provide more than 100 songs Sholawat Wafiq Azizah you can listen online via streaming media. The list is as follows:▪ 25 Nabi
▪ Alaika Sholatillah
▪ Wahdana
▪ Astaghfirullah Robbal Baroya
▪ Cantik Sembahyang (Sayang-sayang)
▪ Dauni
▪ Demi Masa
▪ Hamawa Ya Mismis
▪ Illahilas (Itiraf)
▪ Istaghfiru Robbakum
▪ Marhaban Ya Khoiro Dai
▪ Minal Burdah
▪ Mohon Ampun
▪ Muhammad
▪ Alfu Salam
▪ Sepohon Kayu
▪ Sholatun Bissalamil Mubin
▪ Sholatun Minallah
▪ Sholawat Badar
▪ Sholawat Munjiyat
▪ Sholawat Nabi
▪ Sholawat Nariyah
▪ Sholawat Quraniyah
▪ Sholawat Salam
▪ Sholawat Tunjina
▪ Sholawat Yantasib
▪ Sholawat Yasin
▪ Sholawat Asy-Syafiah
▪ Sholawat Syifa
▪ Sidnan Nabi
▪ Tholama
▪ Indung-Indung
▪ Wallahi
▪ Ya Nabi Salam Alaika
▪ Ya Rosul Khudbiyadi
▪ Ya Robbi Bil Musthofa
▪ Ya Rosululloh
▪ Ya Rabbi Shalli
▪ Ya Thoyibah
▪ Zaenal Anbiya
▪ Magadir
▪ Yaa Rasuli
▪ Bul-Bul
▪ Kunang-Kunang
▪ Katabna
▪ Ana Batba
▪ Allahummajalli
▪ Puji-Pujian
▪ Habibi Ya Nurulaini
▪ Ilahi Tawasaalna
▪ Mahallul Qiyam
▪ Kana Qolbi
▪ Ilahita
▪ Nawarti Ayyami
▪ Pengantin Baru
▪ Qasidah Al-Burdah
▪ Robbi
▪ Salamun Alaik
▪ Natawassal
▪ Intaha Umri
▪ Shollallah
▪ Sholatun Fi Salam
▪ Air Susu Ibu
▪ Al-Hijrah
▪ Sukaro
▪ Taalau Bina
▪ Ya Maghnon
▪ Ya Maulidan
▪ Ya Robbi Barik
▪ Bekal Hidup
▪ Tebalkan Iman
▪ Imal
▪ Itaqillah
▪ Kata Mulia
▪ Maulana
▪ Mayal-Mayal
▪ Membacalah
▪ Sifat-Sifat Allah
▪ Rasul Junjungan
▪ Rukun Islam, Rukun Iman
▪ Ya Muhaimin
▪ Ya Habibal Rohman
▪ Ya Awwalu Ya Akhiru
▪ Ya Illahi
▪ Bihal Quluh
▪ Yatim Piatu
▪ Antal Adzim
▪ Rojain
▪ Jamilah
▪ Ala Asfuri
▪ Asqi Wahdi
▪ La Haula
▪ Magadar Allah
▪ Mawasim
▪ Mayjuz
▪ Ya Habibi
▪ Ya Wardi Mahlak
▪ Qul Ya Adzim
▪ Ghonnili
▪ Amantu Billah
▪ Ana Ayesh
Features Applications:
▪ Wafiq Azizah Sholawat Complete Songs (More than 100 songs)
▪ Applications lightweight, fast loading
▪ There is a lot of RAM and Storage because it is online streaming
▪ Android Marshmallow Support
▪ Applications for free media to educate people on the importance of local culture.
We hope that with the presence of groups of Religious songs Wafiq Azizah could be useful for you all, especially those who love religious Islamic songs. Thank you.
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